Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Whip My Hair Back and Forth

Hey all---

I know that I am not alone in the never ending pursuit of healthy hair with length. My hair can be healthy as god knows what but if its not long, I am not a happy camper. I have gone through some serious issues with it and had some AMAZING successes as well. I currently have a few tracks in the back (3 to be exact) because I am trying to let the back catch up to the front/top of my hair. I just dont know what is going on with the back of my hair.... it just doesnt want to grow as fast as the front. Most of it is all mine but I am always going to be honest about sporting a lil weave.... it never hurt anyone and wont ever hurt anyone so why hide it?

Here is a lil recap of my hair the last 2 years and also my fave products that I SWEAR by.... I want to be buried with these so I can still whip my hair back and forth in heaven!

May 2009- needed a relaxer but this is my hair without blowdrying or flat ironing. I loved the Florida humidity and my hair loved it too :)

3 days before I moved to D.C.... fresh relaxer. June 2009

 March 2010: Welcome to my breakage from a combo of the DC hard water and my at home dye job! (EEK)

May 2010... I tried to hold out with the jaggedy-ness but eventually had to chop it all off (siiigh)


Fave shampoo of all time. It gives me the softest feeling but it does have some build up so I use a clarifying shampoo 2 x a month.  Purchase this shampoo HERE

AHHHHH (that is what you will say when it starts tingling). I love this Trader Joe's Conditioner. Tosha from Bambi's Armoire told me about this and I am in LOVE with it. Purchase it at Trader Joe's.

With the heat I use on my hair this is a NEED. I adore and I mean ADORE this protector. Its light and no build up. Purchase this Protector HERE

Vanilla is my fave scent next to Coconut and I use this leave in whenever I dont feel like drying my hair. When I am going to be styling, I tend to use it right before blowdrying but only use it about 3x a month. Purchase this leave in HERE

Speaking of Coconut.... ohhhh weee. There is nothing like THIS coconut oil. I use is about 4x a week on my ends and then wrap my hair at night. It smells heavenly and is a fabulous growth agent. I believe in this like no other! Purchase this at any Indian Store or HERE

Last but not least, is this lil product for shine and frizz fighting. My girl who is the owner and head designer at Uniquelee-Yours reccommended it and I have never looked back. It is perfect for me and I put it on my ends and seal with the coconut oil. I also use it throughout the hair after blowdrying and right before flat ironing. A little goes a VERY long way. It helps... TRUST ME! Purchase this HERE

If you guys have any questions whatsoever please feel free to leave comments and/or email me.

*** If you purchase any of these thru the links I provided, PRETTY PLEASE let me know for my own tracking purposes. I appreciate you all so much***

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