A major fight took place on the sets of the Salman Khan-Sonakshi Sinha starrer movie Dabang in Wai on Sunday night. Co-producer Manoj Chaturvedi, who was in high spirits, punched the chief assistant director Himanshu Mehra as the former’s son Shantanu (an AD on the film) complained of being mistreated by the unit. Himanshu Mehra was injured because of which he had to be given three stitches on his forehead. He is currently recuperating in a hospital.
Salman Khan has fired Manoj Chaturvedi’s son Shantanu because of whom the fight took place. Producer Arbaaz Khan has called for a meeting today with Manoj, who is also the production controller on the sets.
An eyewitness says, “The incident took place at Jannat, a night club in Wai, where the entire crew was partying after pack-up. Manoj Chaturvedi’s son Shantanu is the junior assistant director on the sets and is known for his snobbish behaviour. Shantanu is always sidelined and nobody likes interacting with him due to his arrogant attitude. He complained to his dad about being ignored by the film unit. That’s when a drunken Manoj started abusing the entire unit.”
“On seeing Manoj abusing and shouting at everybody, Himanshu tried to be the peacemaker but Manoj started abusing him instead and also punched his face. Himanshu fell flat on the ground and his forehead was bleeding profusely. He was immediately rescued by make-up artists Bharat and Dorris Godambe’s son Suraj, who put Himanshu in a car. Manoj was enraged and he took a beer bottle in his hand with the intention of hitting them. Manoj was brought under control when some unit hands caught him,” adds the source.
“After the fight, Salman exercised his right as lead man and sent Shantanu home. The shoot has now come to a halt, pending a decision by Arbaaz Khan,” says the eyewitness. As expected, co-producer Manoj Chaturvedi denied the news and said, “Nothing happened. It’s all lies.”
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