Patiala House is directed by Nikhil Advani and stars Akshay Kumar and Anushka Sharma with Rishi Kapoor. The film is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Mukesh Talreja, and Krishan Kumar under the banner of 'People Tree Films Pvt. Ltd.' and 'Credence Motion Picture'. The film releases on 11 February 2011. In this film Akshay Plays a Fast Bowler
Theatrical Trailer of Patiala House starring Rishi Kapoor, Akshay Kumar and Anushka Sharma.
The Plot of the Film: In the film, Akshay Kumar runs a corner shop in Southall but his desire is to break into cricket. His father (Rishi Kapoor) is a strict traditionalist and his mission is to ensure his family do not lose their Indian culture and identity. Akshay, however wants to play cricket – not for India but for England in the ICC World Twenty20 – and he gets the chance to do this. Also, according to the makers of the film, cricket is just the catalyst, the real matter is father-son drama. The film is also about British Asian identity and the cross-generational conflict between a father and son.
Theatrical Trailer of Patiala House starring Rishi Kapoor, Akshay Kumar and Anushka Sharma.
The Plot of the Film: In the film, Akshay Kumar runs a corner shop in Southall but his desire is to break into cricket. His father (Rishi Kapoor) is a strict traditionalist and his mission is to ensure his family do not lose their Indian culture and identity. Akshay, however wants to play cricket – not for India but for England in the ICC World Twenty20 – and he gets the chance to do this. Also, according to the makers of the film, cricket is just the catalyst, the real matter is father-son drama. The film is also about British Asian identity and the cross-generational conflict between a father and son.
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